Kozarska Dubica // Worship and Tribute
Kozarska Dubica is home to a beautifully peaceful monastery that is everything I want a church to be. Also, a monument to milk, because of course…
Ključ // The Unlikeliest of Events
Nature is pretty darn stonkin’, and the wilds around Ključ are packed with the stuff. It all comes back to water, always.
Kostajnica // Colour Within the Lines
It isn’t easy being a border town, especially when the goalposts are constantly moving. This is the story of Kostajnica.
Cazin // As We Get Closer, the Room Will Get Smaller
Cazin is a stubborn city defined by progress and an unwillingness to play along for an easy life. I absolutely love it.
Breza // Deeper Underground
Breza is Bosnia and Herzegovina in a nutshell. The mine takes centerstage in this story, a story punctuated by fathers beheading daughters and thoughts of geography.
Prijedor // Laughing with a Mouth of Blood
Prijedor has always been a city of art, but what is the point if beauty is left to rot? I don’t know, but check out these cool murals.
Srebrenik // Angel of Death by Slayer
Srebrenik is one of the most liveable cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Yeah, that is the gist of this one, with mosques, lakes, the best bus station in BiH and more.
Novi Grad // This is the Part
Why do we travel? For incredible attractions, delicious food and stunning sights? Maybe, but the real answer to that question is found in places like Novi Grad.
Travnik // ‘All is Transient’ Has Proven to be True
Travnik bridges the tangible and intangible in a blur of history, significance and grilled meat. Yes, I am a big fan.
Vareš // Will You Smile Again for Me
Nostalgia fills the air in Vareš, and there is a ready-made comment about pollution for you. More importantly, why is it more appealing than Barcelona, London or Sarajevo?
Banovići // Give My Love to Banovići, Banovići
Do first impressions matter? When people say “it’s what’s on the inside that counts”, is that little more than lip service? A love letter to Banovići, the city we want but don’t deserve.
Banja Luka // From Mud, He Extracted Lemonade
It is no great exaggeration to say that Tisa Milosavljević built Banja Luka. That isn’t literally true, but BL today ain’t BL without this traffic expert.
Čardaklije // Cartwheel of Scratches
20km (or so) from Bosanski Petrovac, Čardaklije is a monument to tradition and history. Unfortunately, our narrator is malfunctioning.
Japodski Otoci // Tell My Imaginary Wife Everything Will Be Okay
15km or so from Bihać, Japodski Otoci is the most romantic place in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the perfect spot for an imaginary wedding.
Foča // A Dull Catalogue of Common Things
John spends the day in Foča and tries to write an orthodox travel article in the process. It goes… well? You decide.
Počitelj // The End of the World
Anyone can look beautiful on Instagram, but there has to be more to beauty than pure aesthetics, right? Not a clue, but here are a load of words about Počitelj.
Bihać // The Whole Idea of Architecture is Permanence
The central mosque in Bihać used to be a church. Is it possible to live in the moment when one must consider the past and the future at the same time? Yes, I’m asking you.
Mostar // RAMBO
The story of a good kid from Mostar and one of the most mistreated ethnic groups on the planet. Not a cheerful read, be warned.
Janjske Otoke // Walden
One of the most beautiful places in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Janjske Otoke is beyond description. What that has to do with Henry David Thoreau, Islamic jurists and rakija, only time will tell.
Rogatica // I Always Heard Better in the Dark
The one where a strangely eloquent man gives John a magical tour of Rogatica and the surrounding areas, via horses, bridges and early ‘00s UK post-hardcore bands.