52 Places, One Country
The premise is simple; 52 places, 1 country. The country in question is Slovenia, Europe’s great achievement. The places? The dispatches below detail them all in loving detail. From Bled to Bloke, Ljubljana to Lendava, Kamnik to Krško and Maribor to Murska Sobota, this is Slovenia.
33: Bloke // Six Months of Winter, Six Months of Cold
'Welcome to Bloke, where for six months of the year it is cold and, for six months of the year it is winter'. There's nowhere quite like Bloke.
29: Oplotnica // A Culture is No Better Than Its Parks
I had no expectations before visiting Oplotnica, but the serenity of the park (and the mansion) was more than enough to blow away even the most minute hints of conjecture. It was small but perfectly formed, the first truly accurate use for that term that I believed in.
28: Velenje // Tito-Approved Tourist Information
Velenje might not get the attention and adoration that other towns in Slovenia do, but it does have a fantastic tourist information centre and the last Tito statue. What more could you want?
27: Brežice // A Real Room’s Room
Brežice’s Posavje Museum is one of Slovenia’s finest, a treaure-trove of fascinating exhibits and incredible aesthetics.
25: Laško // Drinking Laško in Laško
If you're going to drink Slovenia's most popular beer, where better to do it than in its hometown? Drinking Laško in Laško, with plenty of history to boot.
17: Piran // The Petals Are Running Out
Piran is widely regarded as Slovenia's most beautiful town, and that aerial shot is as iconic as it gets. But what is the reality on the ground?
15: Kostanjevica na Krki // Hall of Fame Art in a Hall of Fame Setting
Small but perfectly formed? Kostanjevica na Krki in a nutshell. This tiny village in Dolenjska is home to one of Slovenia’s great art galleries, located in a truly magnificent space.
14: Cerknica // A Parade of Fools
It isn't the oldest or the biggest, but Cerknica might just be home to Slovenia's most entertaining carnival.
13: Vitanje // A Village of History, A Village of the Future
At first glance, Vitanje is another button-cute Slovenian village steeped in history and tradition, but this darling is home to the future of space travel. Its most famous son would be proud.
12: Murska Sobota // Pay Attention To Your Friends
A scorching Saturday morning may not be the best time to visit Slovenia’s most isolated city, but beggars can’t be choosers. A day in Murska Sobota, the centre of Prekmurje.
11: Trbovlje // A Short Story About Industry
Trbovlje’s history is forever linked to its development as a centre of Slovenian industry, but what does that mean for its future? There’s a lot more to Slovenia’s ugliest town than meets the eye.
10: Žalec // Beer Fountain. A Fountain of Beer
Žalec has a beer fountain. What else is there to say? It doesn’t get much more magnificent than that.
9: Vrhnika // An Important Man and An Important Beer
Vrhnika is more than a modern-day commuter city. This is a town of proud literary and brewing history, bridging the gap between writing and boozing.
8: Celje // Counts Don’t Marry for Love
You can’t talk about Celje without mentioning the Counts, and you can’t really talk about the Counts without talking about love.
7: Pivka // A Cheerful Day of War
Pivka is famous for two things, and I didn’t spend the day visiting a processed meat factory. The Slovene town has a curious military history and the artefacts to show for it.
6: Kamnik // Nostalgia Speaks For Itself
A sunny September afternoon is the perfect time to explore Kamnik's storied past, from nostalgia to moustaches to art.
4: Sežana // The Wretched Side of Travel
Travel is incredible, but it isn't always afternoon beers and rainbows. An afternoon in Sežana taught one boy that.